Sunday, April 22, 2012

FREE Ultimate Twitter Marketing Guide for 2012 Available NOW In PDF

FREE Ultimate Twitter Marketing Guide for 2012 Available NOW In PDF

Pay Me With A Tweet and Download It !!

How To Download This Twitter Marketing Guide

Since this is all about twitter, I thought it would be cool if you would pay with a tweet.

All you have to do is click on the button below, pay me with a Tweet and it's all yours.

Thanks for stopping by . Talk soon and enjoy ..

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Twitter In The Bathroom

Because Social Media Has Never Been So Disposable

Just when you think you've seen it all there's always something new. Now you can have a printed bathroom roll of paper with your Twitter feed history printed on it.

- For those Twitter addicts that need to be connected at all times, the company in charge of this will offer a new service called  "Shitter" and what they do is that they print all your Twitter tweets and feed and print them on toilet paper, this way you can go through all your Tweets in the bathroom.

  With this option people will be able to take their messages on a printed roll including your history, contacts favorites, plus any lists created in the micro-blogging, outlined the company's website.

It's funny how their slogan that accompanies the product is "Social Media has never been so disposable." The service charge will be $35 USD for a pack of four rolls, which can be purchased via the Internet through their website

It's not the first time a company does something with toilet paper, but they are the first to consider the social network Twitter to go to the bathroom.
For those of you that thought that buying followers on Twitter at wholesale prices was a social media crazy idea what do you think of the "shitter" toilet paper and having Twitter in the bathroom?

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Modern New Robots Invade Twitter

  Two weeks ago one of my colleagues asked me for a little bit of help in his social media campaigns and he was interested in getting more Twitter followers on a few accounts with 'no robots'. In an hour or so we had already setup 20 Twitter accounts and we noticed that from the time that passes from opening a new account on Twitter and start opening up a new one you get three or four women from the nightlife following you in less than one minute. This phenomenon has become popular for several months and can easily cause a negative welcoming effect somewhat surprising to any new user on Twitter.Now don't take us wrong and think that there are prostitutes on Twitter sitting down in front of a laptop waiting on Twitter for every new account that gets opened up, as a matter of fact this practice responds to a new form of spam that a couple of spammers have adapted to the 6 year old 140 character micro-blog network better known to you all. Twitter spam is shaped like a robot At first these spammy messages were put using popular hashtags or on trending topics to give them more visibility, but the techniques have become more sophisticated. There are robots that identify these new accounts that immediately become your followers as a system of promotion, but be aware because there are all kinds of robots on Twitter.The new iPad, the best hook There are robots that identify keywords in some Twitter posts to automatically deliver services or just unwanted advertising. One of the most monitored words has been the new iPad. It's very often that you will receive a tweet or a simple mention right after you write or mention the word or brand iPad in a tweet.But among all the techniques, the most common are those programs that automatically help you become follower of different users in a massive way. You got to remember that many Twitter users automatically follow everyone who follows them, and is ironically and thanks to this premise that these robots on Twitter  are able to increase the number of followers very quickly.The 'follow' to 'be followed' is a very popular practice, many companies and individuals used to do it manually, but the popularity of pages and companies like AddTwitter-Followers.Com have facilitated this task of adding Twitter followers to your account which by the way needs a lot of dedication and it could be time consuming. Follow and be Followed

Having a huge list on your "following" list and a very unbalanced one on the number of targeted accounts in the list of "followers" can bee seen as a suspicious activity in Twitter. So, if you use the technique to follow to be followed you will notice that you might have to follow 1000 accounts per day to get 50 or so following you back which by the way most of the people will stop following you in a few days because after all they wanted to build a huge list of followers and not a big one of following like you.Hence, the robots who do this work in an automated manner are achieving great popularity for this task much easier and Tweetadder can be added to this category.Those who use these new programs say they are really useful and effective, and can help increase your account number at several hundred followers in a few weeks.
Let us know your personal experience with Twitter and any tools that you have perhaps used and have had good results..

Saturday, March 31, 2012

What Is Pinterest?

I remember months ago hearing of Pinterest for the first time in a 'tweet' and ever since I got my invitation and created my first board I gotta admit that I'm becoming more and more addicted to it.

 But what is Pinterest and what's all this buzz about a new image social media community?
As defined in wikipedia Pinterest is a pinboard-style social photo sharing website that allows users to create and manage theme-based image collections such as events, interests, hobbies and much more... and believe it or not like Twitter, Pinterest uses its own vocabulary: The planks are called boards and annotations pins (Pin + interest-> Pinterest)  
As I read "The site was born in March 2010, but it wasn't so popular and known until in they launched an iPhone application back in the month of August. Since then, traffic has not only grown but also and according to Alexa, Pinterest now ranks 26 among the most visited websites in the United States and 126 worldwide. In December of 2011 it reached 11 million unique users. The visual appeal of the site is what seems to have triggered its immense growth (it’s the fastest site in history to reach 10 million unique visitors per month).

While originally most people thought of Pinterest as a site for women who liked to scrapbook, it has proved to a much more powerful social media tool.  Users on Pinterest can “repin” which is the equivalent of a “retweet” on Twitter, or they can like and comment on users boards.  Much like Twitter, Pinterest gives users the option to follow certain people or genres according to their interests.
Local businesses are seeing the appeal of Pinterest because it allows them to connect with potential consumers by showing visuals of the products or services.  While Pinterest is not a good fit for all businesses, it has proved to be especially useful to clothing stores/brands, jewelry makers, bakeries, restaurants, event planners, hotels, etc.  In addition to offering an insight into your business, it can also help drive sales.  Pinterest is a great way to “advertise” for free and we all know that nothing beats word of mouth advertising.

Video of  CBS- Video: What is Pinterest?

Other recommended post and articles about What is Pinterest

Have you joined Pinterest yet?  How's your experience been so far? Find my Pinterest here..

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Can You Buy Twitter Followers?

 The fact that the little blue 'Twitter bird' has become a gigantic phenomenon in internet for almost the past 4 or 5 years has made people from all over the world and 5 star Fortune companies look at it as if it was the best marketing tool of our times.

Buy Real Twitter Followers at Wholesale Prices

Just recently it was brought to my attention that one of my co-workers had managed to grow his Twitter account from 200 and something followers to almost 10,000 thousand real profile and daily active followers and his account is still growing at a rate of almost 200 a day by simply buying them at a wholesale twitter follower supplier, with some surprise I remember myself just recently reading a recent article barely weeks ago about a similar service that allowed you to buy real Twitter followers at wholesale prices too.

It seems that "buying Twitter followers" and "Facebook fans" has become the most recent social media fashion web marketers and businesses have adopted to build credibility among their customers and users but the true official website that I read about only dedicates to sell Twitter followers.

 The website of which I refer that only sells and you can buy real Twitter followers at wholesale prices is called AddTwitter-Followers.Com with a slash between Twitter and Followers and what I like about this special twitter follower delivery service is that it allows you to buy Twitter followers at the rate of U.S. $1 per 100+ followers and their all 100% profiled and daily users. I did my research and that's a pretty good deal.

Their minimum purchase is a great bargain because you can get between 1000 & 1500+ plus followers for only $9.99 and best of all this site does not require you to leave your Twitter password like other similar sites do... I know it because I have used their service twice in two weeks and I've seen very positive results and among all I can also high-line the fact that 85% of the users this website delivers are U.S based users so that's something real worth to share.

So if you want a quick way to gain real profile, daily users and U.S based followers I'd recommend you to visit this people now..